Imperfecto de subjuntivo






Imperfect Subjunctive





1.  Using subjunctive in the past


Quiero que me lo expliques. I want you to explain it to me.

Quería que me lo explicaras.  I wanted you to explain it to me.


No es cierto que la foto sea real. It´s not true that the photo is real.

No era cierto que la foto fuera real. It wasn´t true that the photo was real.


Te escribiré un poema cuando lo merezcas.  I´ll write you a poem when you deserve it.

Te escribía poemas cuando lo merecieras.  I wrote you poems when you deserved it.


Rodrigo y Carlos se cantan con tal de que practiquen.  Rodrigo and Carlos sing to each other provided that they practice.

Rodrigo y Carlos se cantaban con tal de que practicaran.  Rodrigo and Carlos sang to each other provided that they practiced.



2. Imperfect Subjunctive And Conditional Tenses In The Same Sentence


If I were a cat, I would love dogs.    Si fuera (imperf de subj) un gato, a mí me encantarían (condicional) los perros.

If they were here, we would have a lot of fun.  Si estuvieran (imperf de subj) aquí, nos divertiríamos (condicional) mucho.


Nobody would talk if they knew that this speech is interesting.     Nadie hablaría (condicional) si supieran (imperf de subj) que este discurso es interesante.




3.  Used with ¨como si¨ (as if )


Tratamos de vivir las vidas como si mañana fuera nuestro último día.  We try to live our lives as if tomorrow were our last day.


Cuando entró, se comportaba como si hubiera llegado desde otro planeta. When he entered, he behaved as if he had arrived from another planet.


Era difícil determinar si estaba enferma porque actuaba como si todo estuviera bien.  It was difficult determining if she was sick because she behaved as if everything was fine.



4. Used with the conditional of gustar-like verbs and "que"


Me gustaría que vinieras a mi boda. I would like for you to come to my wedding.


A los niños les encantaría que les compráramos golosinas todos los días.  Kids would love it if we bought them candy every day.


Al público le gustaría que yo cantase otra, ¿verdad?  The public would love for me to sing another, yeah?



Here are some examples:

1. If I were a great singer, I’d be friends with Celine Dione.

Si fuera (imperf de subj) buena cantante, yo sería (condicional) amiga de Celine Dione.

2. If they were here, we would have a lot of fun.

Si estuvieran (imperf de subj) aquí, nos divertiríamos (condicional) mucho.

3. Nobody would talk if they knew that this speech is interesting.

Nadie hablaría (condicional) si supieran (imperf de subj) que este discurso es interesante.

4. What would you do if there were a war in this country?

¿Qué harías (condicional) si hubiera (imperf de subj) una guerra en este país?

Compare the following sentences:

1A. If I go, I will need to bring my child.

Si voy, necesitaré llevar a mi hijo.

comparado a

1B. If I were to go, I would bring my child.

Si fuera (imperf de subj) , llevaría (condicional) a mi hijo

2A. If you eat her enchiladas, you will like them.                                                                            

Si comes sus enchiladas, te van a gustar

comparado a

2B. If you were to eat her enchiladas, you would like them.

Si comieras (imperf de sub) sus enchiladas, te gustarían (condicional) .