Private Tutoring Sessions


" I feel I have learned more in my short time than in the same amount of time in, say, Mexico while taking an immersion class."


We offer private tutoring sessions at our location.

Tutoring session availability hours work around the needs of our clients. We have morning, early/late afternoon, and evening slots available.


Determining Spanish fluency goal plan

Class tutoring sessions typically last 1 to 2 hours, depending on the needs of the student. Duration of the program also varies, depending on such factors as:

  • Current fluency level
  • Specific fluency goals (to speak to employees or clients, travel, etc.)
  • Degree of need to learn vocabulary and phrases from a certain industry (real estate, labor/workplace, law, nursing, police, etc.)
  • Degree of urgency to achieve such goals in order to meet a deadline (i.e. travel to another country next month, imminent arrival of a Spanish speaking representative)

Hourly rates range between $50 and $60, depending on the above factors. Rate includes textbook, activities manual, 2 audio CDs *, subscription to Lo Mas TV ,while a student, and online activity access.

Please note that the textbook, manual, and 2 audio CDs are included in the rate provided that there is a commitment of of 16 hours of scheduled tutoring sessions.

Program Outline

All sessions include:

* Tailoring a personalized curriculum for the client. This includes fluency objectives and teaching strategies to be implemented.

* 24 hour access to a wealth of supplementary internet tutorials (Interactive games, audio links, and informational tutorials)

* Periodic follow up via email.

*Periodic evaluation and reports on progress, strengths and needed areas of improvement


Our location is at 1 West Campbell Avenue, Room D-41, Campbell, CA 95008. For more information, please call (408) 207 3075, or feel free to email for available time slots.








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